


Swiss 瑞士 (翻译在下面),希望我的回答对你有所帮助!^_^

Have you heard of a mountain called the Matterhorn? Do you know what yodeling is? Maybe you’ve tasted Swiss cheese or Swiss chocolate? If so, you already know something about Switzerland, a small, mountainous country in the middle of Europe.

Facts About Switzerland

Official name Swiss Confederation

Capital Bern

Official languages German, French, Italian

Population 7,520,000 people

Rank among countries in population 93rd

Major cities Zürich, Geneva, Basel

Area 15,900 square miles

41,300 square kilometers

Rank among countries in area 132nd

Highest point Dufourspitze

15,203 feet/4,634 meters

Currency Swiss franc


The people of Switzerland are called Swiss. The Swiss are a mix of people of different origins. Most have ancestors from Germany, but many have ancestors from France and Italy, too.


Because of this mix of people, German, French, and Italian are all official languages in Switzerland. In fact, most towns have two or even three correct names, each from a different language! A fourth official language, called Romansch, is spoken in just a few Swiss villages.

Most Swiss people can speak several languages. The most common spoken language is Swiss German, or Schweizerdeutsch. It’s based on a form of the German language. Swiss German is a spoken language only. Most newspapers and magazines are written in standard German, French, or Italian.


High mountains cover most of Switzerland. Most of the mountains are part of a great belt of mountains called the Alps. Western Europe’s highest mountains are in the Alps. Many of the towering peaks of the Swiss Alps are covered in snow year-round.

Between the mountains are steep gorges and beautiful valleys. Switzerland has many glaciers, rushing rivers, mountain lakes, and waterfalls. The spectacular Staubbach Falls in western Switzerland is one of the world’s highest waterfalls.


There are many famous peaks in the Swiss Alps, including the Eiger and the Jungfrau. But the best-known one of all is the Matterhorn in southwestern Switzerland. It’s 14,692 feet (4,478 meters) high and is famous for its jagged horn shape.


Switzerland has a large tourism industry. In summer, people from around the world come to Switzerland’s mountains to go hiking. In winter, they come to go skiing. One famous resort in eastern Switzerland, called Davos, is the largest winter resort in Europe.


Because of all the mountains, there isn’t much land for farms in Switzerland. Most farmland is devoted to pasture for dairy cows and other grazing animals.

Switzerland’s dairy industry makes many kinds of cheese, including the world-famous Swiss cheese. It also provides milk to make milk chocolate, another famous product of Switzerland.


Long ago, cow herders in the mountains used a long, trumpet-like instrument called the alphorn to communicate with other herders. They also learned how to yodel, a way of singing that can be heard for great distances in the mountains. Even today, you can hear people yodeling in Switzerland’s mountains.


Most people in Switzerland live in towns and cities. Switzerland has many beautiful old cities that are noted for their historic homes, churches, and universities.


Zürich, in northern Switzerland, is the biggest city. It’s the main center for Swiss banking, a major industry in Switzerland. In Zürich you can learn a lot about Switzerland by visiting the Swiss National Museum.

Bern, in western Switzerland, is the country’s capital. There you can walk along the top of the old city walls and look out at the surrounding mountains.

Another important city is Geneva. It sits on the edge of a big mountain lake in western Switzerland called Lake Geneva. Geneva is famous for the many international organizations based there. If you’ve ever seen a Swiss watch, it was probably made near Geneva. Geneva is the center of Switzerland’s watch- and jewelry-making industries.


Switzerland is a neutral country. That means when there is a war, Switzerland stays out of the fight. Switzerland first chose neutrality in the early 1500s, and it has been that way ever since. During World War II, while battles were fought all over Europe, Switzerland remained peaceful. Many people escaped to Switzerland for safety.

Because it’s neutral, Switzerland doesn’t keep a standing army. It does have soldiers, though. All Swiss men who reach the age of 20 must serve in the military. They keep their uniforms and weapons at home and train part-time.


The Red Cross is an organization that helps people in need. In 1863, a Swiss man named Jean Henri Dunant was troubled by how little care soldiers got during wartime. He founded the International Red Cross in Geneva.

Today, the Red Cross helps many people. Like Switzerland, it’s neutral. If there is a war or a natural disaster in the world, the Red Cross tries to help all people in need, regardless of who they are or what side they are on.

你听过山称为matterhorn? 你知道到哪? 也许你尝到瑞士奶酪或瑞士巧克力? 如果是的话,你已经有了解瑞士,一个小国,在欧洲中部山区. 事实瑞士首都伯尔尼的瑞士联邦的正式名称正式语言德文、法文、 义大利人口7,520,000人跻身93个国家人口的大城市苏黎世、日内瓦、 巴塞尔面积41300平方公里15900平方英里面积132个国家的排名最高点634米feet/4dufourspitze15,203 货币瑞士法郎瑞士者? 瑞士被称为瑞士人民. 瑞士是一个不同血统的人搭配. 最有祖先来自德国,但许多人祖先来自法国和意大利. 由于这种混合多种语言,德国,法国,义大利和瑞士都是正式语文. 事实上,多数乡镇甚至有两三个正确名称,从每一个不同的语言! 第四官方语言,叫罗马,在短短数言的瑞士村庄. 多数瑞士人民讲几种语言. 最常见的是瑞士的德国语言,或者schweizerdeutsch. 它的基础上形成的德语. 瑞士是德国唯一语言. 大部分报章杂志撰写标准德国、法国、意大利或者. 瑞士阿尔卑斯山涵盖了瑞士高. 大部分山区有很大一部分被称为阿尔卑斯山脉地带. 西欧的最高山脉是阿尔卑斯山. 许多巍巍峰在瑞士阿尔卑斯山积雪复盖全年. 高山峡谷之间,有美丽的峡谷陡峭. 瑞士有许多冰川、抢江河湖泊山岳、瀑布. 瑞士西部staubbach起伏的壮观是世界上最高的瀑布. matterhorn有许多著名的瑞士阿尔卑斯山峰,其中包括与jungfrau丢脸. 但最有名的是一个matterhorn西南瑞士. 它的14692英尺(4478米)和著名的高级喇叭形状凹凸不平. 瑞士滑雪登山及大型旅游业. 在夏季,来自世界各地的人们来到瑞士的山上去爬山. 冬季,他们去滑雪来. 瑞士东部著名胜地之一,称为达沃斯,是欧洲最大的冬季度假. 奶牛、奶酪和巧克力,因为所有的高山,不会有太大的农场土地,在瑞士. 大部分耕地是专门为奶牛和其它牧场放牧牲畜. 瑞士奶酪乳业使得多种,包括世界著名的瑞士奶酪. 它还提供使牛奶巧克力牛奶,另一位著名的瑞士产品. 音乐早就在山上,在山上用牛牧人长、 喇叭状文书称为alphorn其他牧民沟通. 他们还学会yodel,一种可以听到歌声地排列在山上. 即使在今天,你可以听到人们到哪瑞士山区. 大部分人生活在城市、城镇居住瑞士. 瑞士有许多美丽的城市,是著名的老历史家教堂和大学. 苏黎世、伯尔尼、日内瓦、苏黎世、瑞士北部,是最大的城市. 它的主要中心,瑞士银行、瑞士一大产业. 你可以学到许多在苏黎世的瑞士访问的瑞士国家博物馆. 伯恩,瑞士西部,是国家的首都. 你可沿有顶旧城墙和周围的山上寻找. 另一个重要城市是日内瓦. 它坐在边一座大山西湖称为瑞士日内瓦湖. 日内瓦是有名的国际组织有很多. 如果看过瑞士手表,它可能使靠近日内瓦. 该中心是瑞士日内瓦的钟表、首饰制作产业. 瑞士是一个中立国中立国家. 这意味着,当有一战,瑞士留出了斗志. 瑞士第一选择中立的早期1500s-1下,一直以来这种方式. 二战期间,欧洲各地战争中,瑞士维持和平. 很多人逃到瑞士安全. 因为它的中立,瑞士并无常备军. 战士却各异. 瑞士所有男人必须为年满20年的军队. 他们把武器和制服海内列车兼职. 红十字会说,红十字会是一个组织帮助有需要的人. 1863年,一名瑞士男子名叫让亨利迪南被照顾的困扰,如何少得战时士兵. 他创立的国际红十字会在日内瓦. 今天,红十字会帮助很多人. 像瑞士,它的中立. 如果有战争或自然灾害的地区, 红十字会试图帮助所有需要的人, 不论是谁,不论是什么方面.







