




答:军队口令“立正”“稍息”“解散”用英语分别是Attention ,At ease,Dismiss.


attention [ə'tenʃən]


(1) 专心;留心;注意;精神集中 (2)注意力 (3) 关心;照料;考虑;思考;特殊处理 (4)关怀,体贴(别人) 礼貌,客气 [通常用于复数] 款待;热心;(尤指求爱时表现的)殷勤

(5)【军事】 立正姿势;立正口令 (6)检修,修理





call to attention 【军事】注意

pay attention (to) 注意;留心;倾听;重视

pay one’s attentions to 向(某女子)献殷勤

stand at attention 【军事】采取立正姿势,立正

at ease

(1)[亦作 at one's ease] 安适,舒适,舒坦;安逸,自在;不拘束,不拘礼;泰然自若(2)【军事】稍息(口令)稍息姿势

dismiss [dis'mis]


(1)解散,遣散,让散开,让离开;把…打发走:The teacher dismissed the class early.老师早下课。

(2)免(或撤)…的职,罢…的官;革(职),解雇,开除:The boss dismissed the employee. 老板解雇了那个雇员。They dismissed the cook. 他们把厨师解雇了。


He dismissed the story as mere rumor. 他认为那种传闻纯属谣言而拒绝考虑。The proposal was summarily dismissed. 那项建议当即遭到拒绝。


She just laughed and dismissed the question as unimportant. 她只是一笑置之,认为问题无足轻重而不予考虑。


The court dismissed the case because of lack of evidence. 法院因证据不足而不受理此案。


His opponent was dismissed for a low score. 他的对手因得低分而被迫退场







时间:2004-12-15 19:21:29 来源:一路上有我 作者:cmx 阅读358次


1. To learn English well _____ a lot of time and energy.

A. calls in B. calls on C. calls at D. calls for

2. It’s not easy to _____ old habits.

A. break out B. break into C. break away D. break away from

3. I simply could not understand how it _____ that you did so much work within such a short time.

A. came about B. came up C. came back D. came along

4. Last month Joan _____ her bike and hurt her leg.

A. fell down B. fell off C. felt off D. fell away

5. I’ll be home late, but please don’t _____ for me.

A. stay at B. stay out C. stay up D. stay in

6. Our life is _____ happiness and trouble.

A. made into B. made at C. made from D. made up of

7. About 200 people _____ the competition.

A. joined to B. joined in C. joined with D. joined up

8. I’d like to buy a new tie to _____ my coat.

A. go with B. go on with C. get with D. get on with

9. --- How much has the company _____ this year? --- More than $80 million.

A. brought about B. brought up C. brought in D. brought over

10. Although the picture _____ too much space, they still decided to keep it on the wall forever.

A. took up B. took over C. took place D. took on

11. Mrs Smith _____ her friend’s number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up

12. People in the far away mountain village cannot _____ the programme.

A. take down B. put away C. pick up D. get along

13. Mei Ge, did you _____ the price for the IBM 486?

A. look out B. find out C. take out D. get out

14. In order to run a country well, the government should _____ the prices in the market and further keep them stable.

A. bring down B. bring about C. cut off D. take down

15. You’re not allowed to ____ notices on the wall without special permission.(特许)

A. hurry up B. send up C. put up D. look up

16. Children have to learn to _____ their letters.

A. join up B. look up C. set up D. pick up

17. You can’t expect me to _____ anything else at this very moment.

A. think over B. think of C. make fun D. think out

18. She disappeared and has never been _____ since.

A. looked after B. heard in C. looked D. heard of

19. I am sure that this kind of hard, clear stone can _____ jewellery.

A. made of B. be made from C. be made into D. be made in

20. Jane never _____ her best dishes even when guests arrive.

A. takes up B. brings out C. breaks down D. falls over

21. _____ your right hand and you can ask me questions.

A. Hold up B. Dress up C. Hold on D. Hurry up

22. _____ the name as the people come in, so that we can all hear.

A. Read out B. Try out C. Sell out D. Wear out

23. There was no answer to my knock, so I _____ .

A. get on B. went away C. sent away D. went up

24. Many people who enjoy fast sports are _____ excitement.

A. looking up B. looking for C. looking after D. looking over

25. A new school was _____ in the fishing village last year.

A. stood up B. set up C. held up D. brought up

26. He often _____ my mistake and shortcomings.

A. points at B. point out C. points to D. points out

27. The price has _____ because there are few of them in the market.

A. brought up B. gone over C. brought down D. gone up

28. He is a stranger. He doesn’t _____ anybody else well in the office.

A. get on B. get along with C. get ready D. get off

29. They made _____ me when I spoke English in a wrong way, so I was angry.

A. of B. a recorder C. a plan for D. fun of

30. A terrible fire _____ during the night.

A. broke up B. broke out C. broke away D. broke in

