


Establishing a harmonious teacher-student relationship, becomes a favorite teacher。

Harmonious, harmonious relationship between teachers and students, can mobilize the enthusiasm of the students ' learning. Psychological characteristics of juvenile middle school students told us "parent-teacher of" strong, If they are concerned about a teacher's favor, they have an interest in the teacher's class and extremely importance to academic performance will also be significantly improved.

First, the teacher as soon as possible to monitor their students ', caring for and helping students. Understanding each student is the beginning to establish a good relationship between teachers and students。Start of the new term, I passed through the student files, and calls from students ' parents, and his teacher exchange, down to exchanges with students in a variety of ways for students to know every student. Understand the different needs of students with different interests, hobbies and can be targeted to care for them, to help them. Which would make sense of students by the teacher is their friend, who are sincerely wanted to help them.

Second, abandoning the "my word" authority, embodied the democratic nature of education.

Teaching must gave up class Shang "I shots" of authority, must at using themselves encourages sexual of language, and appreciates of expression, body language in behavior between performance out on students sincerely of love and encourages, in teachers and students between create a loose, and harmonious, and equal, and democratic of teaching atmosphere, this will greatly fired students happy of emotional, makes students ready to opening, active input learning .

At the same time must pay attention to listen to the views of the students and analysis of the problem and to enable students to realize that the teacher was not only a good mentor, is also an audience of enthusiastic, patient, or a friends get along well.


考 网英语口语频道为大家整理的英语口语8000句文本:你有Gay蜜吗,供大家参考:)

1. He came out of the closet.


2. Gay and lesbian.


3. He's too handsome to be straight.


4. He’s on the down-low.

和出柜相反的状态是,面对社会压力,曾经也有很多同性恋者公开宣称自己是异性恋者,但背负很大压力,但私下仍然有自己的同性恋人,这样的状态称为on the down-low.

5. It’s not something you choose.




i love you 我爱你。爱辣舞有

hello,nice to meet you.你好,见到你很高兴。嗨楼,耐思吐咪t有

how're you doing? 最近怎么样? 好啊油读影

i'm doing fine。我最近很好,爱目读影饭

my name is...我的名字叫...买内目一思...

can i take you out for dinner?可以跟您共进晚餐吗?砍耐忒可油熬t发熬滴呢儿

it's my great honor.这是我莫大的荣幸,一次买股瑞特奥呢儿

long time no see.好久不见。浪太木no系

i miss you。我想你 爱咪思油

what do you do for a living?你做什么工作的?我特堵油度发奥鹅里v影

how old are you?您今年多大年龄? 好偶哒又

where're you going? 歪而啊油沟影

i'm going home。我正要回家。唉母沟影后目

what have you been doing?最近在忙什么? 我特海无油鬓读影

i'm going to work。我正要上班。爱慕沟影吐沃可

are you serious?你没开玩笑吧? 啊油鞋而瑞而思

are you leaving?你要走了吗? 啊油离v影
