




  What do you know about our organization?


  1.Answer structure回答结构

  ? Give 2 – 3 pieces of information youknow about the company, which are appeal to customers and candidates.


  ? Give out your skills, abilities,experiences and knowledge which can be suitable and developed.


  ? Ask questions about the company, such asadvantages compared to the opponentfirms; career development opportunity,company’s ability to expand etc.


  2. Answer tips回答小贴士

  Some contents you can mention include:products and services, sales compared in the industry, brand, management,history and culture of the company.


  Show your knowledge but do not prove thatyou know everything. Give the information to show your recent learning efforts.


  Do not give personal comments such as: Ithink the CEO is well-known for dressing fashionably; or the boss of thecompany is a powerful person….


  Include active information about yourresearch; Don’t be passive, for example: The receptionist said that the companyis well-known for…


  3. Answer samples回答示范

  I think your company is the best in IT industry.It provides a perfect working environment for employees, thanks to which, itmay maintain a very good service in IT industry.



  our Questions 你的问题

  Towards the end of an interview, the interviewer will usually ask “Do you have any questions for us?” 在面试即将结束时,面试官通常会问“你有什么问题要问我们吗?”

  Be sure to research information about the company through their website, pamphlets, etc. beforehand. This will help you formulate appropriate questions when they ask you if you have questions. 一定要在事先浏览公司的网站、宣传册等来研究相关信息。这对你是十分有帮助的,面试中当被问到你是否有疑问时就能迅速想出合适的`问题。

  For example, while you are researching the company on the web, you may stumble upon information regarding an annual exhibition where a couple of employees must give presentations and represent the company at a booth. With this information, you could ask: 例如,当你在网上研究该公司网站时,可能会偶然发现一些信息,比如在公司年度展会上,一些员工需要发言或者代表公司在展位上站台。了解了这些信息,你就可以问:“Who is chosen to represent the company each year? Can I work my way up to becoming a representative? Which topics do these individuals lecture on?” 每一年哪些人会被选中来代表公司?我能争取做这个代表吗?他们的个人演讲主题都是什么?

  Doing your research shows you are ambitious and knowledgeable about the company. It really pays off! 你自己做功课了解公司让人觉得你对公司是有野心的、有见地的。这是非常值得的!

  My students on italki often want to ask this question: “What will my salary be?” AVOID THIS QUESTION. 我在italki上的学生常常希望问这个问题: 我的薪酬将有多少?请避免这一类的问题。

  It makes it look like you only care about the money and not the position. Every employer knows the candidate is eager to know this information. 这种问题会让人看起来像你只关心钱而不是职位。事实上每一个雇主都知道他们的应试者急切地想知道这方面的信息。

  The interviewer should also provide you with a time frame in which you can expect to hear from them about a second interview or if you have received the position. 面试官也应该为你提供一个时间窗口,在哪个阶段你能收到通知去参加第二轮面试或者你能够得到这个职位。

