


帮忙把法语翻译成中文 这句话少了主语,所以如果根据动词,应该是 Il ne sait pas. 意思是"他不知道”。

我想把名字翻译成韩文哦帮帮忙 周晨晨 - <주신신> - zu sin sin nn !

帮帮忙把越南名字翻译成中文 truong

张Trương 蒋Tưởng


1. [莳] thì, thi 2. [莳] thì, thi 3. [匙] thi 4. [鸤] thi5. [诗] thi 6. [诗] thi 7. [蓍] thi 8. [葹] thi 9. [絁] thi 10. [尸] thi 11. [尸] thi 12. [鸤] thi 13. [施] thi, thí, dị, thỉ


[容] dong, dung 2. [镕] dong, dung 3. [镕] dong, dung 4. [溶] dong, dung 5. [庸] dong, dung 6. [肜] dung 7. [蓉] dung 8. [瑢] dung 9. [瀜] dung, dong 10. [融] dung, dong 11. [慵] thung, dong, dung


谁能帮我把这句法语翻译成中文? 哎唷哎唷哎唷! (三个感叹词) 怪不得你翻译不出来,哈哈…… 楼上,我从来没听过法国人有用AIE叫人,一般都是被碰疼了或者倒霉了才会说AIE。 叫人是hé,表示厌烦和痛苦是才是AIE,去字典查一下,再好好分辨你外教的发音。

허무함 谁能帮帮忙,帮我把它翻译成中文,谢谢啦! >허무함 谁能帮帮忙,帮我把它翻译成中文,谢谢啦! 허무 (虚无) 1.虚无。 2.空虚。一片空白。 3.虚无。 不是虚荣的意思。

帮帮忙把Blue的I can歌词翻译成中文! You were the eyes in the face of fortune 你是命运的明眸 I lost my way and I couldn't find you 我迷失方向,失去你的联络 Oh, oh no We're not the first ones to be divided 我们不是遭受分离的第一对 Won't be the last to be reunited 也不会是团聚的最后的一对 No 不 Oh no (Oh no) It's like rain falling down 犹如大雨倾盆下 Drops of pain hit the ground 如大颗雨点般的痛苦坠落地面 I can't speak 我无法言语 There's no sound when you're gone 你走后万籁俱寂 (Yeah, e on) 哦,来吧 I can 我能够 I will 我可以 I know 我知道 I can untie these hands 我可以松开手 And get backup again 然后再次振作 (oh-ho) I can I will I know I can untie these hands And get backup again I can I can (Get back up again) I have never lost anything quite like this 我从未像这次一样经历失去 No second chances if I don't fit in 如果我不能适应也不会有二次机会 No (no) 不 Oh no (oh no) You closed the door and you kept on walking 你关上门头也不回地走 Left me behind and there's no more talking 把我落在身后,一声不响 No Oh no Oh no

能帮忙翻译成中文吗?lliVedmylifeaquartermileatatime 出处:速度与 *** 7 原文: I used to say I lived my life a quarter mile at a time. And I think that's why we were brothers. Because you did,too. No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away, or halfway across the world...You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother. 翻译: 我曾说过“赛道即人生”,这就是为什么我们能成为兄弟的原因——因为你也这么想。无论你我从此是相隔在赛道内外,还是分离在地球两边,你永远在我身边,永远是我的兄弟!(注:赛道是四分之一英里长) 求采纳,谢谢~

E that su hok hjeu帮帮忙翻译成中文谢谢 刷人呢!你的一句英语,里面的单词有几个是不是胡编的??根本无法翻译!

谁能帮忙把这翻译成中文Maybelshouldgiveupyou 也许我应该放弃你。 Maybe l should give up you 祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!


Rien dire de plus que la torture argument



