



do not drop the sea and makes difficult to garland.


A black plum is as sweet as a white.

Source: (English)

A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.

Source: (English)

A cold April the barn will fill.

Source: (English)

A fair booty makes a fair thief.

Source: (English)

A full cup must be carried steadily.

Source: (English)

A goose quill is more dangerous than a lion's claw.

Source: (English)

A joy that's shared is a joy made double.

Source: (English)

A joyful evening may follow a sorrowful morning.

Source: (English)

A leap year is never a good sheep year.

Source: (English)

A maid who laughs is half taken.

Source: (English)

A man is as old as he feels himself to be.

Source: (English)

A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks.

Source: (English)

A proverb is the child of experience.

Source: (English)

A shady lane breeds mud.

Source: (English)

A small family is soon provided for.

Source: (English)

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

Source: (English)

A stumble may prevent a fall.

Source: (English)

Absence is a shrew.

Source: (English)

Absence sharpens love; presence strengthens it.

Source: (English)

Absence, and a friendly neighbor, washeth away love.

Source: (English)

Accusing the times is but excusing ourselves.

Source: (English)

Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.

Source: (English)

Actions speak louder than words.

Source: (English)

Advantage is a better soldier than rashness.

Source: (English)

Adventures are to the adventurous.

Source: (English)

Adversity flatters no man.

Source: (English)

Adversity is easier borne than prosperity forgot.

Source: (English)

Advice is least heeded when most needed.

Source: (English)

Advice to all, security for none.

Source: (English)

Age and wedlock bring a man to his nightcap.

Source: (English)

Age and wedlock tame man and beast.

Source: (English)

Ale in, wit out.

Source: (English)

All be the same in a hundred years.

Source: (English)

All happiness is in the mind.

Source: (English)

All temptations are found either in hope or fear.

Source: (English)

Alms never make poor.

Source: (English)

An abundance of money ruins youth.

Source: (English)

An empty barrel makes the most noise.

Source: (English)

An empty belly hears nobody.

Source: (English)

An idle mind is the devil's workshop.

Source: (English)

An illiterate king is a crowned ass.

Source: (English)

Anger dies quickly with a good man.

Source: (English)

Anger edges valor.

Source: (English)

Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it.

Source: (English)

Anger is shortlived in a good man.

Source: (English)

Better wear out shoes than sheets.

Source: (English)

Better wed over the mixen than over the moor.

Source: (English)

Beware of a man of one book.

Source: (English)

Big boast, small roast.

Source: (English)

Big thunder, little rain.

Source: (English)




●  表达质疑

1. I'm not sure what you're saying has any relevance here.

2. I'm not sure if what you're saying has anything to do with our problem.

3. I'm not sure if what you're saying really matters in this case.

4. I'm not sure if what you're saying is relevant to our problem.

Relevance 是"关联;适切",词组用法为"have relevance to..."(与…有关)。这句话适用于正式场合,表示对方所言与议题并无关系。开头语由于是 I'm not sure 而不是 I don't think,因此可避免直接对峙的场面。不过这句话易造成不是对就是错的局面,因此如果对方辩得有理,自己会有全盘皆输的危险。

●  暂不回答

1. I can't really recall; I'll have to get back to you on that.

2. I can't quite remember; I'll need to do a little checking and get back to you.

3. I can't fully remember; I'll have to check up on it.

4. I can't recall all the facts; I'll have to get back to you.

Recall 是"想起";get back to someone on something 的意思是"下次再和某人谈某事"。这个句型适用于想避而不答、以免不慎的回答落人口实之时。它能让对方不再把矛头指向你,使你有机会脱身,找时间准备数据。

●  询问意见

1. Would anyone like to add anything to (what I've said)?

2. Would anyone care to comment?

3. Would anyone like to give their ideas on this?

4. Would anyone care to add their thoughts (to the discussion)?

这类句型是请他人发表意见,来补充自己的看法。由于用的是 add(补充)而非 comment(批评),暗示请发言者站在自己的角度,再作补充,而非给予大家较大的空间,任由批评。这也是add一词所藏的玄机。

● More 邀请发表意见



What are your views on...?

What are your feelings about...?

What are your feelings on this?

What do you think about...?

What's your opinion about that?


Any reaction to that?

Has anybody any strong feelings about/ views on that?

What's the general view on/ feeling about that?

Has anybody any comments to make?


A. 座前有桌子时,把手放在桌下是不礼貌的。


B. 说话时,不自觉地摸鼻子,表示对对方有所保留,不愿坦诚。


C. 如何利用姿势强调说话的语气?

