



大块文章:原指大地景物给人提供写作的题材.现多指篇幅较大的文章. 大有文章:有不少可以探究的奥妙.指言谈、文学或表露的现象之中有很令人揣摸不透的意思或别的情况. 大做文章:为了某种目的而在某些事情上借题发挥或横生枝节,以扩大事态. 空洞无物:空空洞洞,没有什么东西.多形容文章没有内容或内容不充实. 夸夸其词:指说话、写文章时用语夸张超过事实. 淋漓尽致:形容把某一事物表现得非常充分、详尽、透彻,十分痛快(尽致:达到极点).形容文章、说话表达得充分、详尽,或痛快到了极点. 琳琅满目:琳琅:精美的玉石,比喻珍惜的物品、文章或人才.眼前充满了美玉.比喻眼前充满了好物品、好文章或有用的人才. 漏洞百出:比喻说话、文章内容没有充足的理由,不能自圆其说的地方很多. 驴鸣狗吠:嘲笑人文章写得不好. 漫无边际:大水广阔,没有边际(漫:水涨貌).比喻说话、写文章脱离中心,非常散漫.


提供几个成语—— 〔形容一件大事成语:〕

大动干戈 大风大浪 地动山摇 前无古人 安邦定国 惊天动地 开天辟地 顶天立地


小巧玲珑 微不足道 鸡毛蒜皮 芝麻绿豆

谁给我提供几个成语...... 1、同事跟我讲了个笑话 她好友2岁半的儿子问他妈妈,你知道爸爸最喜欢什么颜色么?妈妈说不知道,儿子说是绿色。妈妈说,好像不是绿色。小男孩解释说,是的。爸爸最讨厌红色了,最喜欢绿色。请问为什么?那个小孩说,每次爸爸开车看到红灯就骂 F word 和 SHIT. 看到绿灯就叫 Yea, 兴奋的不得了。 2、儿子两岁的时候,我教了他一句英语:Open the door please. 他正学着呢,我妈正好从院子里走进来,只听到最后一个单词,也没有听清。就打了儿子,因为她以为儿子在骂人---- please 和我家乡话瘪死,一句骂人的话听上去差不多。我大叫冤枉,已经来不及了,他已经被打了。真可怜。 大处落墨:指绘画或写文章要从主要的地方着笔。比喻做事要从大处着眼,首先解决关键问题。 大含细入:原指文章内容精搏,既包涵天地的元气,又概括了极微小的事物。后来用以称赞文章的博大精深。 大块文章:原指大地景物给人提供写作的题材。现多指篇幅较大的文章。 大有文章:有不少可以探究的奥妙。指言谈、文学或表露的现象之中有很令人揣摸不透的意思或别的情况。 大做文章:为了某种目的而在某些事情上借题发挥或横生枝节,以扩大事态。 空洞无物:空空洞洞,没有什么东西。多形容文章没有内容或内容不充实。 夸夸其词:指说话、写文章时用语夸张超过事实。 淋漓尽致:形容把某一事物表现得非常充分、详尽、透彻,十分痛快(尽致:达到极点)。形容文章、说话表达得充分、详尽,或痛快到了极点。 琳琅满目:琳琅:精美的玉石,比喻珍惜的物品、文章或人才。眼前充满了美玉。比喻眼前充满了好物品、好文章或有用的人才。 漏洞百出:比喻说话、文章内容没有充足的理由,不能自圆其说的地方很多。 驴鸣狗吠:嘲笑人文章写得不好。 漫无边际:大水广阔,没有边际(漫:水涨貌)。比喻说话、写文章脱离中心,非常散漫。 旁征博引:广泛蒐集依据,大量引用例证。形容说话写文章引证广博,材料丰富。 平铺直叙:形容说话、写文章不加修饰,平平淡淡,没有起伏变化,没有突出重点。 千锤百炼:千百次地打铁链钢除去杂质。比喻经过多次艰苦斗争的锻炼、考验。比喻文章、作品经过多次过细的修改。 千篇一律:很多篇文章都是一个样。比喻作品、言谈内容重复,老一套。也比喻机械地按一个模式办事。 文山会海:形容人整天到晚忙于写作文章与会议,精力不能集中。 下笔成章:章:文章。一挥动笔,就写成文章。形容写文章很快。 弦外有音:比喻话里(或文章里)另有间接透露而不明说出来的意思。 小题大做:拿小题目做大文章。比喻把小事情当大事情办(含有不值得、不恰当、不必要的意思)。 兴高采烈:原指文章旨趣高超,言词犀利;现多形容人兴致很高情绪愉快,或形容气氛欢乐。 洋洋洒洒:形容文章篇幅很大(洋洋:众多、盛大的样子;洒洒:连绵不断的样子)。 要言不烦:文章言论等简明扼要。要:简要。 一笔不苟:连一笔也不随便、不马虎(苟:草率、马虎)。形容写字或写文章非常认真。 一气呵成:一口气做成。多形容说话(或写文章)紧凑连贯,也比喻做工作不停顿,不放松,迅速完成。 倚马可待:原形容文思敏捷,很快就能写好文章。现泛指很快就能完成。 有头有尾:有开头也有结尾。形容文章结构完整,也形容做事坚持到底,有始有终。 字里行间:指文章的字句中间所表达、流露或透露出来的思想感情。 阳春白雪:《阳春》、《白雪》是战国时期楚国的高阶歌曲。现多代指高深而不通俗的文学艺术。 哀感顽艳:顽:愚笨;艳:慧美。原来形容一个歌童唱的歌悲恻动人,使愚笨和慧美的人都为所感动。后来转用以评述某些抒情的文艺作品,意义也转为哀怨、感伤、古拙、绮丽同时具备。 百花齐放:各种花卉一起开放。现常比喻社会上特别是文艺界的蓬蓬勃勃的繁荣景象。 出神入化:形容技艺达到了绝妙的境界(化:化境,神奇的境界)。 大显身手:充分地显示出本领来(身手:武艺,泛指本领)。 登堂入室:已进厅堂,再进内室。喻指学问或技艺取得相当好的成绩,并将进一步深入提高。 雕虫小技:比喻微小的技艺(虫:鸟虫书,篆书的变体)。现多指微不足道的文字技巧。 多才多艺:具有多方面的才能和技艺。 游刃有余:刀刃运转,大有回旋余地。形容技艺熟练,操作自如。 斫轮老手:斫轮:斫木制造车轮。后来就称经验丰富、技艺精湛的人为“斫轮老手”。 左宜右有:无往不宜。形容多才多艺,什么都能做。 发愤忘食:用功学习,努力工作,忘记了吃饭。后泛用以形容十分勤奋。 勤能补拙:勤奋能弥补先天的笨拙。 生于忧患,死于安乐:意思是忧患使人勤奋,因而得生;安乐使人怠惰,因而致死。 手不释卷:手中放不下书本(释:放开;卷:书本)。形容勤奋学习或看书入迷。 夙兴夜寐:夙:早;兴:起来;寐:睡。起早睡晚。形容勤奋不懈。 夙夜匪懈:日夜勤奋,不怠惰(夙夜:早晚;匪:不)。同“夙夜不懈”。 韦编三绝:韦:熟牛皮。韦编:古代用竹简写书,用熟牛皮条把竹简编连起来,叫做“韦编”。三:概数,指多次。绝:断。后形容读书勤奋。 孜孜不倦:孜孜:勤勉的样子。形容勤奋努力,永不厌倦。 绝少分甘:指自己刻苦,待人优厚。 苦心孤诣:费尽心思地钻研或经营,到了别人所达不到的地步(苦:刻苦地用心;孤诣:别人所达不到的境地)。有时意义偏重在“苦心”上,刻苦的用心,形容独自所费的极大心思。 卧薪尝胆:睡在柴草上,经常尝苦胆。比喻刻苦自励,发愤图强,立志报仇雪耻。 悬梁刺股:形容刻苦学习。 风餐露宿:形容行旅生活的艰苦。也作“风餐露宿”、“餐风露宿”。 幕天席地:把天当作幕,把地当作席。本来形容胸襟旷达。现在也形容野外生活中不畏艰苦的豪情。 千辛万苦:各种各样的艰辛困苦。极其辛苦。 任劳任怨:承受劳累,承受埋怨。形容为众人的事不辞劳苦,不怕埋怨。 任重道远:负担沉重,道路遥远。比喻担负着重大的责任又要经历长时间的艰苦奋斗。 茹苦含辛:形容忍受辛苦(茹:吃)。同“含辛茹苦”。 深稽博考:稽:查考。深入地稽核广泛地考查。形容苦心钻研学问。 十载寒窗:载:zǎi,年;寒窗:指在寒冷的窗下读书。形容读书人长期苦读的生活。也作“十年窗下”。 岁寒知松柏:比喻只有经过艰苦的考验才能看出一个人的品质。 停辛伫苦:停:停留;伫:久立,储存。辛苦缠身,长期不去。形容备受辛苦。 同甘共苦:甘:甜的。一同尝甜的,也一同吃苦的。比喻同欢乐,共患难。 推燥居溼:意思是把干的地方让给幼儿,自己睡在孩子便溺后的溼处。形容育儿的辛勤劳苦。 拖儿带女:带领着儿子和女儿。多形容生计艰难或旅途辛苦。 后难后获:难:指劳苦。先劳苦而后收获。形容不坐享其成。 雪窗萤几:雪窗:晋孙康家贫无烛,常映雪读书。萤几:晋车胤家贫无油,夏夜囊萤照书。比喻贫穷苦读。 凿壁偷光:凿开墙壁,借邻家的灯光读书。后用以形容勤学苦读。 栉风沐雨:风梳头,雨洗头。形容人经常冒着风雨辛苦奔波。 白手起家:比喻条件不好,基础很差,却靠自力更生艰苦奋斗,创立一番事业。 饱经风霜:形容长期地经历过艰难困苦生活的磨练(风霜:比喻艰苦的生活)。 不入虎穴,焉得虎子:焉:怎么。不进老虎洞,怎么能捉到小老虎呢?比喻不冒危险,不经历最艰苦的实践,就不能取得重大的成就。 朝干夕惕:从早到晚勤勤恳恳兢兢业业,从不懈怠(干:自强不息;惕:小心谨慎)。 克勤克俭:克:能。能够勤劳,又能够节俭。 披星戴月:身披星星,头戴月亮。形容早出晚归,也形容不分昼夜地奔波或在野外辛勤劳动。 胼手胝足:手上脚上都生起“老茧”来。形容长期的辛勤劳动(胼胝:俗称“老茧”)。 起早贪黑:很早就起来干活,天黑了还想再干。形容辛勤劳动。 勤俭持家:勤劳节俭地操持家务(持家:料理家务)。 勤能补拙:勤奋能弥补先天的笨拙。 拳不离手,曲不离口:拳:拳术;曲:歌曲。比喻经常勤学苦练,以求工夫纯熟。 宵衣旰食:旰:晚。天不亮就穿衣起身,天晚了才吃饭。多用来形容勤于政事。 宾至如归:客人到了这里就像回到家中一样,形容招待殷勤、周到,起居饮食舒适。 困知勉行:人的知识必须克服困难而得到;人的品德必须勉励与强制自己去实践才能成功

谁给我提供几个性签名... 被埋没的爱,没有以后,只有悲伤的歌,环绕在耳畔,被停止的心跳,不会再跳动,只有苦涩の泪在流

谁给我几个简短成语故事 成语小故事----疑邻盗斧 从前有个乡下人,丢了一把斧子。他以为是邻居家的儿子偷去了,于是处处注意那人的一言一行,一举一动,越看越觉得那人像是盗斧的贼。后来,丢斧子的人找到了斧子,原来是前几天他上山砍柴时,一时疏忽失落在山谷里。找到斧子后,他又碰见了邻居的儿子,再留心看看他,怎么也不像贼了。 疑邻盗斧:不注重事实根据,对人、对事胡乱猜疑。 2.揠苗助长 春秋时期,宋国有一个农夫,他总是嫌田里的庄稼长得太慢,今天去瞧瞧,明天去看看,觉得禾苗好像总没有长高。他心想:有什么办法能使它们长得高些快些呢? 有一天,他来到田里,把禾苗一棵一棵地往上拔。一大片禾苗,一棵一棵地拔真费了不少的力气,等他拔完了禾苗,已经累得筋疲力尽了,可是他心里却很高兴。回到家里还夸口说:“今天可把我累坏了,我帮助禾苗长高了好几寸!”他儿子听了,赶忙跑到田里去看,发现田里的禾苗全都已经枯死了 3.不可救药 周朝有位卿士叫凡伯。凡伯不但有诗才,而且善于治理国事。后来,他在周厉王身边辅佐朝政。可是,周厉王飞横跋扈,枉法断事。奸臣则百般诌媚讨好。凡伯直言相劝,列数朝政弊端,奸臣却在周厉王耳边说他的坏话。周厉王对凡伯十分厌烦,从此,奸臣出入宫廷,不把凡伯放在眼里。凡伯十分愤慨,写了一首诗,后来收入《诗经》。诗中抨击奸臣说:“作恶多端,不可救药!” “不可救药”:病重到不能用药救活。后比喻事物坏到无法挽救的地步。 4.乘风破浪 古代南北朝的时候,宋国有位将军姓宗名悫,他从小就很勇敢,也很有抱负。有一天,宗悫的叔父问他有什么志向,宗悫回答道:“愿乘长风,破万里浪。”意思是:我一定要突破一切障碍,勇往直前,干一番事业。宗悫经过勤学苦练,努力奋斗,终于成为一位能征善战的将军。 后来,人们就用“乘风破浪”来形容不怕困难,奋勇前进的精神 5.一衣带水 南北朝的时候,北方的北周和南方的陈国以长江为界。 北周的宰相杨坚,废了周静帝,自己当皇帝,建立了隋朝。 他决心要灭掉陈国,曾说:“我是全国老百姓的父母,难道能因为有一条像衣带那样窄的长江隔着,就看着南方百姓受苦而不拯救他们吗? 后来人们就用“一衣带水”来比喻只隔了一条狭窄水域的,靠得非常近的两地。 6.高山流水 春秋时代,有个叫俞伯牙的人,精通音律,琴艺高超,是当时著名的琴师。俞伯牙年轻的时候聪颖好学,曾拜高人为师,琴技达到水平,但他总觉得自己还不能出神入化地表现对各种事物的感受。伯牙的老师知道他的想法后,就带他乘船到东海的蓬莱岛上,让他欣赏大自然的景色,倾听大海的波涛声。伯牙举目眺望,只见波浪汹涌,浪花激溅;海鸟翻飞,鸣声入耳;山林树木,郁郁葱葱,如入仙境一般。一种奇妙的感觉油然而生,耳边仿佛咯起了大自然那和谐动听的音乐。他情不自禁地取琴弹奏,音随意转,把大自然的美妙融进了琴声,伯牙体验到一种前所未有的境界。老师告诉他:“你已经学了。” 一夜伯牙乘船游览。面对清风明月,他思绪万千,于是又弹起琴来,琴声悠扬,渐入佳境。忽听岸上有人叫绝。伯牙闻声走出船来,只见一个樵夫站在岸边,他知道此人是知音当即请樵夫上船,兴致勃勃地为他演奏。伯牙弹起赞美高山的曲调,樵夫说道:“真好!雄伟而庄重,好像高耸入云的泰山一样!”当他弹奏表现奔腾澎湃的波涛时,樵夫又说:“真好!宽广浩荡,好像看见滚滚的流水,无边的大海一般!”伯牙兴奋色了,激动地说:“知音!你真是我的知音。”这个樵夫就是钟子期。从此二人成了非常要好的朋友。

谁给我提供几个较个性的网名 爱你卡农⋌ ◇你是我的眼″ 晴¸天说早安﹏ ﹊棒棒糖˜融化了』  ̄_ 青花瓷 『格式化ˇˆ恋爱 这几个可以不~

谁能给我提供几个形容手机的形容词 耐用的durable 时尚的fashional 多功能的multi-functional 防水的waterproof 智慧的intelligent 坚实的substantial 防尘的dustproof 实用性强的practicable 成熟的full-blown 华美的gaudy 个性化的individual

形容一件事几个人说就变成了不同的几个故事的成语 三言讹虎 犹三人成虎。比喻说的人多了,就能使人们把谣言当事实。


1. 英语作文 关于 *** 的利弊 Wherever you are, you can see many people equipped with mobile phones. It seems that the world bees *** aller nowadays. You could be found wherever you are so long as you take the mobile phone with you. Some people wonsider the mobile phone necessary and useful to them, while others may dislike it.

People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenient, for you can connect others easily and quickly. You don' t have to wait for an important call at home all day long. The youth of today send messages, surf on the , listen to music and even take photos by using the mobile phone. People find it advanced for its attractive functions. In some countries, it even stands for a person' s status.

However, some people don' t like it. Imagine that you go to spend your holiday with your family after days of busy and tiresome work. When you lay on the beach fortably, your phone rings. Then you have to go back to your office only to find an unimportant customer waiting for you. At that moment, you may even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and get rid of your work.

However, whether you like the mobile phone or not, it has alresdy affected our lives and played an important role in the history of human beings.



喜欢使用手机的人比较注重手机的好处.它非常便利,因为它让你与别人的联系既简单又快捷,你再也不用为了等一个重要电话成天守在家里了.现在的年青人喜欢用手机发短信、上因特网、听音乐、甚至照像.手机拥有非常吸引人的各种功能 ,是非常先进的科技产物.在某些国家.它甚至象征着使用者的地位.

当然,有些人不喜欢它.想像一下,在接连几天的繁重工作后,你好不容易可以与家人去度假.当你舒舒服服地躺在沙滩上时,手机响了.你不得不赶回办公室,却发现只是一位无关紧要的客户在等你.那时你或许想把手机扔了,因为你只想远离工作、彻底放松. 然而,无论你喜不喜欢手机,它已经改变了我们的生活,并在人类历史上发挥着重要的作用.

2. *** 给学生带来的利与鄙英语作文 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Games As we all know,with the development of science and technology,games especially puter games are being more and more popular among teenagers.They are so interesting and enjoyable that students all love playing them,at home or in the Inter bars.It's true that puter games can do good for students.They can be of great interest and make them happy and relaxed.The students can learn something useful by the gamse.On the other hand,everything has its o sides.Computer games have some disadvantages.When playing,it usually takes a long time.Some students are so addicated to the games that they can't get out of them,which would do harm to their study.What's more ,there are some bad materials in the games or on the Inter,which would have a bad influence on their health.Thus,it's of great importance for students and parents to treat the puter games in a proper way.



3. 英语作文,手机 *** 的利与弊 With the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone. Every cion has o sides. When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones have brought us ,we are now faced many problems.

To start with , mobiles phones have brought us many conveniences. With a using of a phone ,we can surfing on the Inter whenever we like without opening a puter.What's more, we are imformed of everything important when we carry our cell phone all the time. Futermore, it can also help us with some learning,beacuse we can look up the word in the digital dictionary.

Secondly, our cell phones still causes many serious problems. On one hand,the most problem is electric wave radiation ,which is bad for our health. On the other hand, it will affect our learning and working. For example,When we are at an important meeting with an important partner ,if your cell phone rings, it will interrupt the whole environment and the partner will think you don't respcet him. Another example is when you are having a boring class or meeting,then you will take out your phone reading novels,surfing on the Inter ,playing games ,all thest will distract you from good working.

4. 英语作文 大学生喜欢做什么 Today students in college fell that there is nothing to do everyday,because they have been tirde of study all day long! So they want to find something more intersting! The one which is the most popular among them ofcouse would be inter-surfing by which they can play some games,find some funny nwes and contact they clas *** ates ,friends or their own families! As the puter is more and more mon,this phenominon could be more widely. And then they may like to play some ball-games, in this way they can pletely let themselves out,and get rid of the books!。

5. 作文示范精选:为什么爱 *** 参考一下



可能是出于对摄影的热爱吧。那时,当他来到我家没几天,我就把它琢磨了个透!瞧它那浑身的黑色,就像个蚂蚁!它的镜头能够转动,所以, *** 也就没有问题了。这对于那些爱美的女生,爱酷的男生,再好不过了!不过,我并不会这样做,我喜欢捕捉天空上那些神奇而有令人恐惧的自然风景。当我望着浩瀚的天空时,总会望而生畏。它对我很有吸引力,所以,我的相机镜头总是不偏不倚的对着它。

每每我看见一些少有的自然风景时,就会激动的兴奋过度,像喝了兴奋剂一样。在一个风和日丽的下午,天高云淡,微风轻轻的从人们的脸庞飘过。阳光直射在人们的脸上也是轻轻的,一切的一切都是那么轻柔。我穿着滑冰鞋慢悠悠的在停车场滑冰。突然,一个超级美丽的自然风景在我眼前出现,那是晚霞。My god!怎么世界上会有这么奇妙的景色!那是由云彩组成的一条龙,非常逼真!天哪,这不是假的吧,我揉了揉眼睛!我已经望着那条“龙”流连忘返了。忽然,我想到了相机,啊!相机!我马上滑回去取相机。我刚滑出去一步,就又回过头来看一眼,生怕它从我面前逃走。取来了相机,我对准了那条橙红色的“龙”,只听“咔嚓”一声,一张完美级的风景类时间踪迹已记录在相机上,我满意的最后望了“龙”一眼,恋恋不舍的离开了。


6. 你最喜欢的照片是什么 There is a colourful picture on the wall in my room,which is the most satisfied to me.There are five people in it,The left is myfather,a very tall man,and the right is my mothor,who iws very beautiful.The youngest and frontest is me,standing in middle of them.In other word,The picture is about my family picture.The photo has taken for many years ,when we have a holiday in hangzhou.At ,where is the first place arrived since I was born,I was so excited that My father taok this picture as memory!So today ,The picture is still lied on the wall in my room,I like it.。

7. 自我介绍我喜欢 *** 作文 今天是教师节,早上,我老远就看到学校门口挂着红色的横幅,上面“热烈祝贺第三十个教师节”几个大字映入我的眼帘。再往前走,见到同学们个个都手拿精心为老师准备的礼物,有自己精心制作的贺卡,有寄语着健康幸福的鲜花。每一样礼物都代表着同学们对老师深深的感激。是呀!又是一年一度的教师节了,我们的老师每天为了我们的学习,披星戴月,头发变白了,脸上多了几道皱纹,他们用自己美丽的青春换回我们的茁壮成长。想着想着,一幕幕的往事涌上了我的心头。





Do not, for one repulse, forgot you originally decided to want to be far away.


From the sky, don't expect bole for ShangQing worship you. Ability is dried out.


Pseudo deceit is not long, empty not for a long time, make a silk purse out of a not, dead too.


Even up to the highest hill, a step in a down-to-earth way.


I never think half an hour is my small small for a period of time.


You can do much to endure kung fu, you how can cause of achievement in the future.


Start the new road is narrow, but it is the Plude of the sPad yourself to broaden.


In fact, talent is the same 'to the larruping places.


As long as you think is right, you immediately action, don't indecisive.


Ten years of casting sword, to be complete; We regret once drawn, handheld device maker e-ten sirens.


They pull on the river left a string of footprints, it was wayfarers ellipsis of life.


Ambitious courage, perseverance will, confidence in the courage and determination to force.


We are the world, never give a sad laggard awarded MEDALS.


Mature not heart grow old, but tears in eyes swirling still keep smiling.


Is strong, and doubt that will only stifle ability, and belief is power.


Bamboo shoot while tender, but it is not afraid of Pssure, dare to struggle, dare to MaoJian.


Above the people, to respect others; Under the people, to respect myself.


To realize after death, is this life recipients. To realize the afterlife, this life is.


God never complains people's stupid, but people complain about the unfair of god.


In any industry, the first step on the road to success, is interested in it.


You take a simple things seriously, that way you will be very painful.


Rather than fantasy future we all day, now hold our future.


Later, the word contains too much recognition and don't want to change things.


The person must be responsible for the legal thing in the world. Man of practice must be responsible for cause and effect.


Harvest is the cause of rain gauge; Gathered the striver on every drop of sweat.


Leave not to, respectively, but the most beautiful posture to re-united again.


Fire is the test of gold, adversity tries the strong, cherish the Psent, hit a peak!


The purpose of life is to serve others, is to show the passion and the willingness to help.


The same car, the wheels did not know how much forward, gyro is still in its place.


From time immemorial, into the great is not only the world, great fortitudonous ambition.


Keep a peaceful state of mind, you will get carried away in the desire of the jungle.


Action is a cure for the fear, and hesitation delay will continue to nourish the fear.


If you cry because you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


Go the most urgent is the most beautiful scenery, hurt the deepest is the true feelings.


Lost lost, we grew up strong is our youth's shoulder.


A dream in the heart, to see the distance. The road, in heart to go steady.


His spine straight, don't walk in the forefront of the climber team after all.


Minutes, diligence make genius; Artemisia strength, excellent quality.


Ore experience is life, life of energy release in the extraction.


Failure, because you are one step away from success when stopped.


Can only walk on the concrete person, never left a deep footprint.


Painful memories are tears wash not clean, can only put the sweat it washed away.


At ordinary times did not run hair who km, accounting for when it will be difficult to one hundred metres sprint.


Planned for a long time, but is to want to break up, why not straightforward said exports.


Learning in the bitter, art practice in attendance. Ambition is afraid of shallow knowledge but short.


Always looking for someone who is more active than they are, the more positive environment than they are.


A belief is developed by the power, greater than 99 only interested.


The first youth is god to give, the second youth is on their own efforts.


When the world to seed weight, it will break out in their own way.


Life is too short, a minute can't for those who make you unhappy or something.


Angle of dePssion is a drab brush, can only be coated with a layer of gray for the future.


Life is a road covered with thorns, sweat is a jing fold the spine's sword.


The waves to split the wind chopped waves ship farewell dinner, to go with the flow in the canoe of honor.


People need to live in prosperity pride, to hold yourself back internal heat when frustrated.


A trickle once to stop the noise, on the sea has stopped breathing.


Because there is regret, so travel day and night; Because of dream, so selfless.


Peak to climb it, not only look at its people have real significance.


Stupid people find happiness in the distance, a wise man in the ground at the foot of hope.


Youth is like cutting Onions, we are all in tears, is also actively.


The first youth is given by god; The second youth is on their own efforts.


Telescope - can see far goal, but does not take the place of you go half step.


Brick - - had undergone the test of fire, ability is qualified to be a member of the building.


Walking in the tree-lined road not commendable, climb high mountains is really fun.


Climbing a winding to withstand risks, defend the motherland to tolerance for solitude of homesick.


All of the victory, and conquer oneself of victory, are insignificant.


Street light through the efforts of the night, only clear conscience to receive the comfort of the first morning light.


Achievement persistence, fortitude is more important than when failure.


It may be over the youth, can know how narcissism is youth period.


Destiny decides who enters our life, the heart decided to us and who shoulder to shoulder.


Bonsai show wood because of being spoiled, shattered become useful to our dream.


With optimistic attitude to meet difficult, because can beat you, only you.


Only two people, a people eat, a people eat, which one would you like to do?


If you want, you will get, what you need to pay is action.
