




1.1 焊接过程简介1.2 焊接冶金学1.3 焊接的最新发展第二部分是铸造(casting),涉及:

2.1 型芯铸造中的金属流动2.2 铝铸造中性能的优化2.3 精密铸造工艺第三部分是成形(Forming),探讨了:

3.1 金属成形基础3.2 大块金属泡沫制造3.3 塑性金属成形第四部分是材料和热处理,涵盖了各种金属材料:

4.1 铁合金4.2 钢的热处理4.3 焊接接头的热处理原则4.4 非铁合金4.5 复合材料4.6 高级结构陶瓷4.7 功能陶瓷4.8 导电陶瓷4.9 玻璃陶瓷4.10 磁性材料4.11 塑料和聚合物第五部分是无机非金属材料,如:

5.1 水泥和波特兰水泥5.2 砖块的烧制5.3 水泥砖块的冷却5.4 波特兰水泥的化学和矿物组成5.5 不同类型的波特兰水泥5.6 影响水泥硬化速率的因素5.7 混凝土强度5.8 混凝土耐久性第六部分是通用科学,包括:

6.2 胶粘剂6.3 分析和测量6.4 化学反应6.5 凝结和冷凝器6.6 导体和导电性6.7 电磁材料6.9 电解6.10 半导体6.11 表面涂层


1: King of eggshell Mr. Gao Meisheng, engaged in work ceramics have been more than five decades, many Chinese state leaders to accept the invitation for visiting heads of state special protocol eggshell bowl, which works on many occasions in Hong Kong, Macao, Indonesia and so on To display its bowl with a paper thin, white jade, such as the sound of Qing Ming as a mirror, and other characteristics, and won acclaim from all walks of life and the famous collection. The exhibition of the bowl for its 71-year-old made it!

2: hollowing porcelain, porcelain sculpture of fine, delicate because of the way, Runbai color and well-known for the collection, the gift of choice!

3: Doo-blue-and-white ceramic bottle-mei, on behalf of the Millennium Jingdezhen porcelain is the traditional style, elegant blue, red rich, ancient Chinese had shown the presence of the royal family for the historical treasure by the emperor and VIPs!

4: accounting for Chunsheng, China Jingdezhen senior master of arts and crafts, and Germany is now the source of Porcelain senior artist, art director, to engage in work ceramics in the past 20 years, works of flavor, full of modern flavor, and works as a multi-national presented gifts porcelain Foreign dignitaries, was at home and abroad Chinese ceramics favored by collectors and enthusiasts, this works fine for playing chess Boy's doing, valuable for collection! Baidu to search his work (or Chunsheng, HTTP: / / WWW. JDZMC. COM )

5: Mr. Jin Xi Yu, born in 1939, his childhood love of fine arts creative aboard eight Friends of the Arts Zhu Shan, China is now the senior master of arts and crafts, to be known as the King of litchi, chicken king, over the years by a number of works by Europe U.S. and South-East Asia, such as collection of celebrities, famous in art circles, the work of the Three maps, such as lychee, as its representative, a very high value for collection.


Purple sand merit: Cold resistant heat-resisting, makes tea not ripe soup taste, can nurture the divine the fragrance, and transfers heat slowly, not the easy scald one's hand, to cook the tea with it, also will not rupture the celadon ware a little: The luster is verdant, uses for to swell the green tea, beauty more beneficial soup color

related market purple sand price: in the market the common sand-fired pot, price 10-40 Yuan the technical personnel make the pot in the pot which 100-500 between the technologist makes, decides in 500-2000 between Master the craft work: Several thousand Yuan - over ten thousand Yuan


various ovens for making ceramics
