



The traffic accident's head trauma emergency law

(1) found the injured, should check whether the head trauma as soon as possible, whether to be at risk. The most important thing is not to mobile casually patients, and according to the following program quickly rescue: take a lethargy location: the means let wounded side lies, head leaned back, ensure smooth respiratory tract. B if the mouth-to-mouth breathing stops, if the heart massage pulse disappear. C if scalp hemorrhage, such as with gauze clean direct pressure to stop the bleeding. (2) if a head injury, blood and cerebrospinal fluid from the nose, ear outflow, it must be a PingWo wounded, suffering from lateral. That is the left ear, nose down the left out when cerebrospinal fluid, and the right side when flow down the right. If the throat and nasal bleeding badly, it's easy to cause breathing trapped



